segunda-feira, fevereiro 20, 2006

Transformar Swl 3300AP num cliente de qualquer Access Point !

Primeiro temos que efetuar uma conexão via Hyper Terminal (57600bps), utilizando o cabo console que vem junto com o equipamento. Assim que a conexão estiver estabelecida, pressione Enter, coloque a senha e selecione a opção 02 do menu.

Selecione a opção 6, tenha o arquivo SA-T33173H-0806.bin (439KB), e pressione y por duas vezes.

Digite apfirm e vá na opção enviar arquivo do hyper, selecione o arquivo e coloque o protocolo 1K xmodem.

Agora é só esperar transferir o firmware e reinicia-la.Para ela funcionar é só configurar o SSID.

Não se esqueça, você não consegue mais configurar o endereço ip e ela não trabalha mais em modo Access Point ou Mult Link.

Veja abaixo a cópia das telas:

1) select menu “2”


Samsung SWL-3300AP Configuration


[ ROOT ]

1. Basic [Menu]

2. Advanced [Menu]

3. Server/Service [Menu]

4. Status [Menu]

5. Load default values

6. Save and reboot


2) select menu “9”


Samsung SWL-3300AP Configuration


[ Advanced ]

1. Internet Connection [Menu]

2. Wireless [Menu]

3. Bridge [Menu]

4. Access control [Menu]

5. Administration [Menu]

6. Upgrade FW via serial


3) You can see the following messages

AP Firmware can be upgraded via serial using 1k-xmodem protocol.

Power must be always on during the upgrade.

Do you really want to upgrade the firmware via serial ? (y/n):y

Do you really want (y/n)?y


AP will enter into the FIMWARE UPGRADE MODE



Boot firmware

(SST flash memory,0xBF)



Type command([go]: normal operating or [help]: help)


4) type “apfirm”


Boot firmware

(SST flash memory,0xBF)



Type command([go]: normal operating or [help]: help)

AP firmware update!!

Start address : 0x10000

Please download the firmware using 1K-Xmodem!

5) Select [Transfer] – [Send File…] menu at HyperTerminal

6) click [Browse..] and select the SA firmware and select “Protocol” as “1K Xmodem”.
And then, click [Send] button.

7) After the following message, type “y”

Downloading OK !


Board will be restarted, automatically

Wait for LED Blinkig !!

AP Model is mismatched!!

AP manufacture =SAMSUNG

AP model =SWL-3300SA(HW)

AP firmware version =1.73

Date =2002. 08. 05

Please, Make sure your firmware !

Anyhow, If you want to update this firmware, then press 'y'._

8) After flashing, you can see the following “SA” menu

AP/RG Firmware version : 1.73

Checksum OK

Loading firmware


Samsung SWL-3300SA Configuration


[ ROOT ]

1. Basic [Menu]

2. Advanced [Menu]

3. Status [Menu]

4. Load default values

5. Save and reboot


9) Specify the “ESSID” at the “1. Basic” menu and the “5. Save and reboot”


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